You may already know that Nigeria is the largest black nation in the world and the most populous nation in Africa. You may already know that Nigeria has great dependency on crude oil, plus all the other opinions of David Cameron. Here are 20 unpopular facts about Nigeria. 1. Are you aware that all over the world Nigerians are setting the pace and becoming the standard by which others measure themselves? Do you know?? 2. In the US, Nigerians are the most educated immigrant community. Type it into Google and you'll see it. Not one of the most educated, the most educated. 3. 60% of Nigerians in the US have college degrees. This is far above the American national average of 30%. 4. Nigerians in US are one of the highest earners, typically earning 25% more than the median US income of $53k. 5. In Ivy League schools in Europe and America, Nigerians routinely outperform their peers from other nations. 6. A Nigerian family, The Imafidon family, had officially been named the smartes...