The Secret of a Perfect and Thoroughly Furnished Lifestyle

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

The scripture above tells us how to make our lives balanced and perfect; it’s with the Word of God. The King James uses the word "perfect," rendered "artios" in Greek, which means "a freshness in completeness." In today’s language, it means to be "up-to-date" or "updated." So, the Scriptures are there for you to "update" and upgrade your life unto perfection.

Anyone would be making a big mistake to think they can live a glorious life, devoid of errors, if they ignored the Scriptures. If you want to live in the perfect will of God, pleasing Him in all things, living the Word is the only way. The Word is given to us to guide us, correct us, build and shape our character in righteousness and true holiness.

If you’re not following the Scriptures properly, you’ll make king-sized errors; embarrassing but avoidable mistakes. Jesus said in Matthew 22:29 NIV, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God." The more you study the Word, the more you minimize your errors, and ultimately become perfect. One of the definitions of success is the ability to minimize errors.

Don’t keep making the same mistakes you made years ago. To keep repeating your mistakes means there’s no growth. But with the abundance of God’s Word in your heart, you’ll grow unto perfection; mistakes will be eliminated. Let the Word dwell in you richly; it’ll give you the advantage, and make you perfect in all things. Give it first place in your life, and see the perfections of the Spirit become manifest in your life and all that you do.

Today, i confess that the Word of God dwells in me richly in all wisdom, propelling me in perfection and excellence. I have a sound mind, and an excellent life, because I’m yielded to, and led by, the Holy Spirit, who guides me through the Word. I’m perfect, proficient, and thoroughly fitted for every good work. Glory to God!


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